
There are currently 2 ways of using this package as shown here.

Stand-alone command-line-interface

The CLI can be used for a fast preview of image plate files. The following documentation is shown by running ipread -h:

usage: ipread.py [-h] [-V] [-l] [--log] [-s [filename]] [-v] file [file ...]

Previews the Image Platereadout(s) using matplotlib.

positional arguments:
  file           input file(s) - can be *.inf or *.img or without extension.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -V, --version  show program's version number and exit
  -l             list properties of assembled image, dont create any plots. No
                 matplotlib is needed.
  --log          creates a log10 plot instead of a linear one.
  -s [filename]  save picture of data using matplotlib. If this is given, no
                 interactive window will appear. filename will be auto-
                 generated if omitted.
  -v, --verbose  Verbose output. This shows an additional plotto verify the
                 scalefactors calculated

Assuming, that all .inf files (together with their .img pendants) in the current directory are multiple scans of the same image plate, the following command would try to create a single HDR Image out of them and save it as output.png.

ipread *.inf -s output.png

Using the functionality in your python software

The ipread module can also be imported as a package via

import ipread

Please see IPread Module for further documentation.